Title: Earth-IV
Medium: Bamboo, Cane, Fabric, Rope
Size: 90 x 25 x 90 cms
Planet Earth creates, provides, and sustains us through its overflowing generosity and kindness. Everything humans have required to survive and thrive has been provided by earth. The natural world provides less tangible, but important gifts in terms of beauty, art, and spirituality. The Earth murals created out of natural materials such as bamboo, terracotta, fabric, and rope, represent the deeply interdependent nature of life on earth. This interconnectedness that defines our relationship with earth has been impacted by the rise of technology, yet our survival depends on the wellbeing of the earth which is in our hands. Though each piece of art has a distinct design, collectively they represent one ethos- that of being grateful for what the earth provides and safeguarding it.